
I spent a good amount of time on Saturday disconnecting from technology and the class as well. Since you assigned us this assignment, I decided it would be a good time to disconnect from school as well, as it almost goes hand in hand with technology. On my hike, I saw a variety of people […]

I spent a good amount of time on Saturday disconnecting from technology and the class as well. Since you assigned us this assignment, I decided it would be a good time to disconnect from school as well, as it almost goes hand in hand with technology. On my hike, I saw a variety of people and how they interacted with other people and technology. I went on a hike as a therapeutic release from everything. I saw people challenging themselves and racing through the trail, and I also saw the opposite, people strolling through the trail stopping to look at every interesting little thing. And then there were also photographers, both landscape photographers and selfie takers. I noticed generally that people who rushed through the trail were generally less disconnected than individuals who stopped to look at things. Also, people in groups were more likely to talk amongst themselves and were generally less likely to use their phone aside from pictures. Overall, I noticed that people on the trail were less likely to be on their phones than people out and about such as the mall. This could partly be due to the lack of reception out on hiking trails which prevent people from communicating with other people through their phones so that they tend to use their phones less. Overall, it was interesting observing people on hiking trails and how they interact with one another and technology as it was different than how people are at a mall.
