
On Saturday, I decided to disconnect from technology, and let’s just say it was not as easy as I had thought. At first, it was really difficult for me to distract myself with something other than my phone. As the day progressed, I managed to get past the urge to use my phone, by using … Continue reading “Disconnecting”

On Saturday, I decided to disconnect from technology, and let’s just say it was not as easy as I had thought. At first, it was really difficult for me to distract myself with something other than my phone. As the day progressed, I managed to get past the urge to use my phone, by using my time wisely and doing some studying. I realized that without my phone, I was able to get more studying done without having my phone buzzing every 30 seconds. After studying, I had lunch with my family, which during meal times I usually plug in my headphones and I’m on my phone the entire time, but this time I actually joined the conversation and I got to hear how everyone’s day was going and I even interacted with my younger siblings, which I haven’t done much of lately. Usually, after a meal, I go to my room and I watch some TV, turn use my laptop, or go on my phone, but I knew I needed to distract myself, so I decided to play with my 6 years old brother. I helped him with his homework and we even went to get a haircut together and some ice cream afterward, something we haven’t done in awhile, due to me being busy with school and work. It wasn’t until around 7 o’clock, where I could not find anything around me to distract me from using technology, so unfortunately, at this time, I gave in and I pulled out my phone and started checking all my missed calls, texts, and emails I had received throughout the day. This exercise really made me realize that I use technology almost every second of the day, more than I probably should. I also realized that I don’t have to be on my phone when I’m eating a meal with my family. It was eye-opening to see how much I miss out on during meal times and all the conversations that go on, such as hearing about how everyone is doing. I realized that it’s quite disrespectful to my family to plug in my headphones and block them out during meals. I noticed that during meals, my family talks about a lot of things, such as the presidential election, scandals, school, upcoming events, and much more. Not paying attention leaves me out of the loop and I’m not aware of issues that my siblings might be going through, such as filling out college applications and parent-teacher conferences. After a couple of hours without technology, I can say that I need to change my habits, like putting my phone away for awhile, and  pay attention to the things going around me because someone might need my attention. I learned that I need to disconnect more often from technology because there are more important things going on around me, than a new Youtube video


On Saturday, I decided to disconnect from technology, and let’s just say it was not as easy as I had thought. At first, it was really difficult for me to distract myself with something other than my phone. As the day progressed, I managed to get past the urge to use my phone, by using … Continue reading “Disconnecting”

On Saturday, I decided to disconnect from technology, and let’s just say it was not as easy as I had thought. At first, it was really difficult for me to distract myself with something other than my phone. As the day progressed, I managed to get past the urge to use my phone, by using my time wisely and doing some studying. I realized that without my phone, I was able to get more studying done without having my phone buzzing every 30 seconds. After studying, I had lunch with my family, which during meal times I usually plug in my headphones and I’m on my phone the entire time, but this time I actually joined the conversation and I got to hear how everyone’s day was going and I even interacted with my younger siblings, which I haven’t done much of lately. Usually, after a meal, I go to my room and I watch some TV, turn use my laptop, or go on my phone, but I knew I needed to distract myself, so I decided to play with my 6 years old brother. I helped him with his homework and we even went to get a haircut together and some ice cream afterward, something we haven’t done in awhile, due to me being busy with school and work. It wasn’t until around 7 o’clock, where I could not find anything around me to distract me from using technology, so unfortunately, at this time, I gave in and I pulled out my phone and started checking all my missed calls, texts, and emails I had received throughout the day. This exercise really made me realize that I use technology almost every second of the day, more than I probably should. I also realized that I don’t have to be on my phone when I’m eating a meal with my family. It was eye-opening to see how much I miss out on during meal times and all the conversations that go on, such as hearing about how everyone is doing. I realized that it’s quite disrespectful to my family to plug in my headphones and block them out during meals. I noticed that during meals, my family talks about a lot of things, such as the presidential election, scandals, school, upcoming events, and much more. Not paying attention leaves me out of the loop and I’m not aware of issues that my siblings might be going through, such as filling out college applications and parent-teacher conferences. After a couple of hours without technology, I can say that I need to change my habits, like putting my phone away for awhile, and  pay attention to the things going around me because someone might need my attention. I learned that I need to disconnect more often from technology because there are more important things going on around me, than a new Youtube video


The Medication I choose is Ibuprofen. It is a NSAID used to treat fever and mild to severe pain. Ibuprofen is eliminated primarily by the kidneys therefore patients with impaired kidney functions should be closely monitored. High levels of Ibuprofen can cause chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis. Should not be taken with … Continue reading “Ibuprofen”

The Medication I choose is Ibuprofen. It is a NSAID used to treat fever and mild to severe pain. Ibuprofen is eliminated primarily by the kidneys therefore patients with impaired kidney functions should be closely monitored. High levels of Ibuprofen can cause chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis. Should not be taken with alcohol. If kidney patients need ibuprofen dosages should be reduced. Ibuprofen is not recommended for patients with advanced kidney disease.   


The Medication I choose is Ibuprofen. It is a NSAID used to treat fever and mild to severe pain. Ibuprofen is eliminated primarily by the kidneys therefore patients with impaired kidney functions should be closely monitored. High levels of Ibuprofen can cause chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis. Should not be taken with … Continue reading “Ibuprofen”

The Medication I choose is Ibuprofen. It is a NSAID used to treat fever and mild to severe pain. Ibuprofen is eliminated primarily by the kidneys therefore patients with impaired kidney functions should be closely monitored. High levels of Ibuprofen can cause chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis. Should not be taken with alcohol. If kidney patients need ibuprofen dosages should be reduced. Ibuprofen is not recommended for patients with advanced kidney disease.   

First Post

My favorite electrolyte: Sodium
My least favorite electrolyte: Chloride


My favorite electrolyte: Sodium

My least favorite electrolyte: Chloride

First Post

My favorite electrolyte: Sodium
My least favorite electrolyte: Chloride


My favorite electrolyte: Sodium

My least favorite electrolyte: Chloride

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Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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