The Effects of Lisinopril on Kidney Function

Hello everyone, I chose to look into the effects of ACE inhibitors on kidney function. As we all know, ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure. They are most commonly used to treat hypertension. A good example would be Lisinopril. Lisinopril is beneficial for patients with diabetic nephropathy. How does it work? Lisinopril lowers glomerular filtration pressure … Continue reading “The Effects of Lisinopril on Kidney Function”

Hello everyone, I chose to look into the effects of ACE inhibitors on kidney function. As we all know, ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure. They are most commonly used to treat hypertension. A good example would be Lisinopril. Lisinopril is beneficial for patients with diabetic nephropathy. How does it work? Lisinopril lowers glomerular filtration pressure by decreasing levels of angiotensin II. It also reduces proteinuria, which is a complication of kidney disease that further damages the glomeruli. By this mechanism, Lisinopril slows the progression of renal disease. However, it is contraindicated for patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis. This renal disorder requires that glomerular filtration be maintained, so an ACE inhibitor would be a poor choice of medication.

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Awesome electrolyte: Potassium
Not so awesome electrolyte: Magnesium

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Awesome electrolyte: Potassium

Not so awesome electrolyte: Magnesium

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