My Pathetic Attempt at Disconnection

I miserably failed to stay disconnected from ALL technology for even 5 hours. Given that we have so much school work and a test this week, it was unrealistic. However, I was able to go an entire day without checking any social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat), which was huge. It meant the only times I … Continue reading “My Pathetic Attempt at Disconnection”

I miserably failed to stay disconnected from ALL technology for even 5 hours. Given that we have so much school work and a test this week, it was unrealistic. However, I was able to go an entire day without checking any social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat), which was huge. It meant the only times I was on my phone was to look up nursing information, check emails, or textsomeone directly. I also made an effort to put my phone in my backpack while walking around campus all week just to see what would happen. It was really weird to watch every single person with their heads down. The people whose eyes were not glued to their phones (mostly people ages 30 and up) made eye contact and say hello, how is your day, good morning, etc. Once one person said hi to me, I found it really easy to start saying hi to everybody. It put me in an oddly good mood. They say the act of smiling releases endorphins and I think that is true. When I’m walking past somebody or say hello, I automatically smile and get really optimistic. This was a really nice change from constantly being connected to my phone, which can be very stressful. c99dbcb3c69a3362fc67c84d8a6afdbe

Total Hip Arthoplasty (Kaitlyn Hitch and Claire Gillette)

The priority assessments post-operative are ABC’s, tissue perfusion, DVT’s, pain, pressure ulcers, and signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock. There are limitations related to mobility. The physical therapist determines limitations on an individual basis and the nurse will instruct, supervise, and participate in safe ambulation. Often weight bearing is limited and assistive devices are used. … Continue reading “Total Hip Arthoplasty (Kaitlyn Hitch and Claire Gillette)”


The priority assessments post-operative are ABC’s, tissue perfusion, DVT’s, pain, pressure ulcers, and signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock.

There are limitations related to mobility. The physical therapist determines limitations on an individual basis and the nurse will instruct, supervise, and participate in safe ambulation. Often weight bearing is limited and assistive devices are used.

Discharge teaching would include the patient’s positioning limitations including: no crossing legs, bending hips more than 90 degrees, and not turning the affected leg inward. The patient is also taught about their medications (if applicable), potential problems, nutrition (to promote healing), wound care, safe use of ambulatory aids, and a safe home environment.

Liver Cancer

Claire Gillette, Alysha Payne, Jenny Mallen, Alyssa Alvarado, Alexia Bronaugh Who? Most commonly people with chronic liver disease, hepatitis B and C infections, and cirrhosis. This means it is most common in males older than 45, Asians and Pacific Islanders. What? The liver is a common site of metastasis however, when the tumor originates in … Continue reading “Liver Cancer”

Claire Gillette, Alysha Payne, Jenny Mallen, Alyssa Alvarado, Alexia Bronaugh

Who? Most commImage result for liver cancer ribbononly people with chronic liver disease, hepatitis B and C infections, and cirrhosis. This means it is most common in males older than 45, Asians and Pacific Islanders.

What? The liver is a common site of metastasis however, when the tumor originates in the liver, the most common type is hepatocellular carcinoma. Alpha-fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen are used to determine if the cancer originated in the liver or if it metastasized from elsewhere.

When? Signs and symptoms: pain (dull ache in right upper quadrant, epigastrium, or back), weight loss, loss of strength, anorexia, and anemia. May have enlarged liver, jaundice, and ascites.

Where? Liver cancer originates in the liver but may metastasize to other areas of the body (primarily to the lungs).

Why? High risks include cigarette smoking, especially in combination with alcohol use, injection drug users, and obesity.


Acyclovir and the kidneys

Acyclovir is a drug commonly used to help alleviate herpes. It is metabolized in the liver and more than 90% of it gets excreted (unchanged) through the kidneys. It is to be used cautiously in patients who have preexisting renal complications because i…

Acyclovir is a drug commonly used to help alleviate herpes. It is metabolized in the liver and more than 90% of it gets excreted (unchanged) through the kidneys. It is to be used cautiously in patients who have preexisting renal complications because it has side effects of renal failure, crystalluria, hematuria, and renal pain.

First Post

Favorite electrolyte: Potassium (because we already learned that value).
Least favorite electrolyte: Chloride (because I always want to say Chlorine).

Favorite electrolyte: Potassium (because we already learned that value).

Least favorite electrolyte: Chloride (because I always want to say Chlorine).14088573_1149744975063659_731811012964996159_n

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