Disconnecting –

Disconnecting from technology was a difficult thing for me to do. Mostly because I was attempting to vigorously study, and I needed to use my laptop for that. Since nursing school, I feel I’ve been physically disconnected from the world and constantly in need to grab my laptop or cell phone. The time I tried to … Continue reading “Disconnecting –”

Disconnecting from technology was a difficult thing for me to do. Mostly because I was attempting to vigorously study, and I needed to use my laptop for that. Since nursing school, I feel I’ve been physically disconnected from the world and constantly in need to grab my laptop or cell phone. The time I tried to disconnect myself was probably when I was at church. I am a Sunday School teacher and at that time I was away from technology and definitely connected with the children in my class. I read them a story, we had a conversation of the importance and moral point of the story, and then colored a print out that was relative. Besides that it was difficult for me to disconnect, especially this week because of the upcoming test. I’ve noticed that since I’ve had a cell phone, I’ve been extremely attached to it, and on my free time I sleep or watch TV. Disconnecting from technology seems like such an easy thing to do, but with work, school, and those who have children, it becomes a little more difficult to do so. Surely, I’ll practice how to give myself a break and really enjoy the presence of people and nature.


Hepatitis C

  Hepatitis C Who? – Adults ages from 40-59, highest among African-Americans. What? – Hepatitis C is a systemic viral infection in which necrosis and inflammation of liver cells produce a characteristic cluster or clinical biochemical and cellular changes. It can result in an increased risk of chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. … Continue reading “Hepatitis C”


Human liver

Hepatitis C

  1. Who? – Adults ages from 40-59, highest among African-Americans.
  2. What? – Hepatitis C is a systemic viral infection in which necrosis and inflammation of liver cells produce a characteristic cluster or clinical biochemical and cellular changes. It can result in an increased risk of chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. It’s the #1 cause of liver transplantation. Incubation period ranges from 15 days- 160 days. Treated with a combination of 2 anti-virals: Peginterferon and Ribavirin.
  3. When? – Flu like symptoms such as: nausea, malaise, jaundice, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, tender and enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, light colored stool, and dark urine.
  4. Where? – Hepatitis C occurs in the liver and it also affects the spleen.
  5. Why? – Blood product recipients, organ transplant or clotting factor before 1992, needle stick injuries in health care workers, illicit injection drug use, children born to women who are infected, multiple contacts with a person with Hep C, and unsafe sex practice with multiple partners.

Jamaica Amurao, Yesenia Nunez, Christina Caranica, Kara Mead, Jane Han


The medication I chose was Valganciclovir, also known as Valcyte. This medication is an antiviral and is used to treat cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS. It is also used for prevention of CMV disease in kidney, kidney/pancreas, and heart transplant patients at risk. Valcyte is rapidly absorbed following oral administration and is converted to Ganciclovir, … Continue reading “Valganciclovir!”

The medication I chose was Valganciclovir, also known as Valcyte. This medication is an antiviral and is used to treat cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS. It is also used for prevention of CMV disease in kidney, kidney/pancreas, and heart transplant patients at risk.

Valcyte is rapidly absorbed following oral administration and is converted to Ganciclovir, which is excreted by the kidneys. Patients who are taking this particular drug along with other drugs that affect the kidneys have an increased risk of renal failure. Since this drug is excreted by the kidneys there may be a possibility of accumulation of metabolites in patients with renal impairment.

This medication is to be cautiously used in those with renal impairment. Patients with a creatinine clearance rate of <60 mL/min are given a decreased maintenance dose compared to those who have no renal issues.

Blog #1

The lab value I like the most would be pH 7.35-7.45. The lab value I like the least is Ca+ 8.6-10.2 mg/dL.    


The lab value I like the most would be pH 7.35-7.45.

The lab value I like the least is Ca+ 8.6-10.2 mg/dL.



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