I was able to stay disconnected for about 4 hours on Sunday. I turned my phone off (probably for the first time ever), I shut down my computer, and my TV. I was able to notice with time how board I got. I was able to notice how silent the house was and how every one of my family members were either watching TV, on their phone or computer. It made me realize how dependent and hooked our generation is on technology. Disconnecting from technology allowed me to really focus on reading without distraction from my phone. At times I would grab my phone without realizing, just to check it and then notice it was turned off for a reason. This really made me realize how hooked and dependent I was on my phone. With this realization, I decided from now on I would turn off my phone or keep it on silent while I study just to see how much more studying and work I could focus on and get done. This was a very interesting and eye opening activity.
I was able to stay disconnected for about 4 hours on Sunday. I turned my phone off (probably for the first time ever), I shut down my computer, and my TV. I was able to notice with time how board I got. I was able to notice how silent the house was and how every … Continue reading Disconnecting